This isn't what you think it's not an office building, it's actually a high school in our area. It's also an incredible story of how good design can change people's lives.
Here's the story I wrote about it in Modern Luxury, above, about a very hip school named Dubiski Career High School. The school's been open only since fall 2009, and already it's changing hundreds of lives for the better. The school was designed by Dallas-based Corgan Associates architect Eric Horstman.
Seems Grand Prairie had a big problem with kids dropping out, so the GISD school board did a lot of research into what students really needed. What they came up with was a career high school that not only preps you for something cool like culinary, architecture, or graphic arts, but puts you on a college track by graduating every student with an associates degree as well as a high school diploma.
Then there's the amazing design.
Horstman and his colleagues at Corgan went out on a limb and decided to create the most beautiful, professional environment for the kids they could. People told him the kids would wreck the furniture and trash the place. But after being open almost a full school year, nothing like that has happened, he says. In fact...

....the kids come to school early and stay late, says Horstman, who was told this from the school's principal. They love it. They think it's beautiful, so they love to be there.
They also eliminated the ringing bells between classes. Kids learn to be responsible early on by managing their own schedules.
This is the school's espresso bar and coffee shop. Many of the spaces were modeled after professional spaces in real environments, such as the professional kitchen for their culinary program.
If you haven't already checked out the school's website, you should. This school does what every school should, preparing kids for life by training them for careers at the same time they're training them for college. And it does it in a beautiful building with beautiful interior design. I really believe in the power of design to change people's lives in ways that nothing else can.
Can you imagine what might happen if every kid in Dallas had a chance to go to a school like this?